
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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( 2024 )


匹配条件: “ Ana Isabel” ,找到相关结果约52258条。
Unveiling Cost Burden Interdependencies with the Use of the Hypothetical Extraction Method  [PDF]
Ana-Isabel Guerra Guerra, Ferran Sancho
Theoretical Economics Letters (TEL) , 2015, DOI: 10.4236/tel.2015.52025
Abstract: Networked economies constitute an interlocked mechanism of direct effects and indirect feedbacks. Each piece of the mechanism plays a specific role influencing the overall performance of the system. In the setup of an interindustry economy, the interlocked pieces are typical economic sectors. Any sector influences other sectors and is in turn being influenced by them. We propose a new methodology to unveil the underlying cost linkage effects being exerted by sectors and affecting the complete price system. The methodology reformulates the Hypothetical Extraction Method, usually applied to the quantity side of the economy, and extends it to the cost side of the economy. The derived cost linkage indicators reveal valuable information that may be used in the design of tax reforms or efficiency policies. We present a practical example of the capacities of this new proposal using US data.
Tumor Odontogénico Escamoso: Aspectos clínicos, radiográficos e histológicos Revisión de la Literatura
Ortega,Ana Isabel;
Acta Odontológica Venezolana , 2002,
Abstract: squamous odontogenic tumour is a rare benign neoplasia that is probably originated from the cell rests of malassez, in the periodontal ligament. asymptomatic, in the majority of the cases, it can be associated with dental mobility and sensibility to percussion and palpation. it appears in equal frequency in maxilla and mandible. radiographically, the most common image is a triangular or circular radiolucent area associated with the roots of involved teeth, being possible to present a multilocular image. the diferencial diagnosis can be a periodontal disease or injuries more aggressive like ameloblastoma and squamous cell carcinoma. although to be a rare disease, the dentist must consider the toe in the diagnostic hypotheses, to establish a definitive diagnosis as soon as possible, and perform more conservatives intervetions, that will improve the patient?s prognostic. in order to contribute to the best understanding of this entity and to alert the clinicians, in special the radiologists, of the existence of the toe, this paper makes some considerations about the benign nature of this injury, its biological behavior and its histologics, clinical and radiographics aspects.
Factores asociados a la deserción de estudiantes que ingresaron por condición de excepción indígena a la Universidad del Valle en 2001-II
Meneses Pardo,Ana Isabel;
Sociedad y Economía , 2011,
Abstract: this paper seeks to highlight the factors associated with the phenomenon of drop out students admitted by exception condition of indigenous to the university in 2001-ii for which the presenter of each of the key aspects of their life path could eventually count for the episode of dropout, key aspects such as their family of origin, educational paths, educational backgrounds, both familiar and owned territories migration processes, cultural practices, indigenous self-identification, choices of academic programs, social networking and other that may count for the encounter or the socialization of the student with the academic university and in relation to the possibility of dropping out or not.
Factores de personalidade e comportamento alimentar em mulheres portuguesas com obesidade mórbida: Estudo exploratório
Rebelo,Ana; Leal,Isabel;
Análise Psicológica , 2007,
Abstract: the aim of this study is to correlate the personality factors and eating behaviour in women diagnosed with morbid obesity. the 48 patients are candidates to bariatric surgery, or that have made it in a near past. the instruments used along this investigation were: sample characterization questionnaire, the personality inventory neo revised and the dutch eating behaviour questionnaire (debq). the results showed the extremely significant statistical value in the dimensions neuroticism and openness, and in the facets impulsiveness, assertiveness, fantasy, feelings, ideas, values, altruism, competence and deliberation; and in the restrained eating and emotional eating dimen-sions. we registered the presence of inadequate feelings with maladaptative coping responses with a low frustration tolerance; characteristics of dominance in the social relations; creativity with the elaboration of fantasies and the presence of situational emotional responses; altruistic behaviour, self-discipline and planning; with an emotional ingestion associated to characteristics of restrained eating. we highlight the importance of psychotherapy during illness process.
Contribuciones de la teoría de la organización a la productividad científica
Metlich,Ana Isabel;
Innovar , 2006,
Abstract: diversos factores que han sido estudiados inciden en la productividad científica: desde los individuales, como edad, género, aspectos psicológicos y educativos, hasta los institucionales, como las políticas y el financiamiento. aunque estos estudios se han desarrollado desde muy diversos enfoques teóricos y niveles de análisis, son muy pocos los esfuerzos realizados en nuestro país por analizar la productividad científica desde una perspectiva organizacional. en este sentido, el propósito esencial de este trabajo es proporcionar un análisis sobre cómo la teoría de la organización contribuye a explicar la productividad científica en las universidades.
Vitima??o indirecta de crian?as em contexto familiar
Sani,Ana Isabel;
Análise Social , 2006,
Abstract: this article discusses the problem of children who are exposed to interparental violence, a topic of recent wide-ranging research in the field of psychology (cf. sani, 2003). starting out with a description of the phenomenon, the article goes on to discuss aspects of terminology and the inclusion of cases of this kind in typologies of child abuse, concluding by analysing how the child is affected by exposure to such violence within the family.
Conciliación y salud laboral: ?una relación posible?: Actualidad en el estudio del conflicto trabajo-familia y la recuperación del estrés
Sanz Vergel,Ana Isabel;
Medicina y Seguridad del Trabajo , 2011, DOI: 10.4321/S0465-546X2011000500008
Abstract: the economic and social changes of the last years have created new organizational and family structures that affect workers. as a result, new psychosocial risks appear, as the conflict between work and family life. to meet work and family demands, people need time to recover from the expended effort. thus, to improve the quality of life of the employee, it is necessary to attend to the well-being of the person in general. the aim of this paper is to review the main lines of research emerged during the last decades on these topics. first, we analyze the background and consequences of work-family conflict as well as the main variables affecting this process. second, we examine recent literature on "recovery from stress", focusing on the strategies that may help workers to overcome the efforts made during the daily routine. finally, we present the main lines of prevention and intervention in the organizational and individual levels, aimed at reducing job stressors, promoting family-friendly policies and developing recovery strategies.
El rumor político: Apuntes sobre la opinión pública en la Castilla del siglo XV
Carrasco Manchado,Ana Isabel;
Cuadernos de historia de Espa?±a , 2006,
Abstract: this study analyzes rumour as an expression of political communication in fifteenth century castile. in the first place, certain conceptual precisions are outlined. rumour is a form of unofficial, informal means of communication. in the second place the perception of rumour in mentalities and in courteous, gentlemanly, legal, moral, and religious discourse is studied. the negative perception in the period relates rumour with conflicting forms, social disorders, popular movements. the function of rumour is analyzed, i.e., not its veracity but its political functions: relationships with complaints, and influence on political decision-making by the authorities. the role of rumour in the formation of historical memory is also studied. finally, this paper researches its relationship with propaganda and public opinion.
Qualidade de Vida em Mulheres que Procuram Tratamento para a Obesidade: Estudo comparativo entre mulheres com diagnóstico de obesidade clinicamente grave propostas a tratamento cirúrgico e mulheres submetidas a cirurgia
Soares,Ana; Silva,Isabel;
Psicologia, Saúde & Doen?as , 2011,
Abstract: the purpose of this study was to understand the impact of obesity on quality of life. this study aims to compare quality of life of women diagnosed with clinically severe obesity proposed to surgical treatment, with two groups of women in two different periods post-surgery. this study adopts a descriptive, cross-sectional and group comparison design. a convenience sample of consisting of 181 female participants, of which 118 with clinically severe obesity awaiting for obesity surgery (group 1), 18 already submitted to surgery for six months or less (group 2) and 45 for twelve or more months (group 3) was assessed. participants completed sf-36. group 1 has lower quality of life, with results below normative values in all dimensions, except physical function. groups 2 and 3 present a better quality of life which is close to normative values, except pain and mental health dimensions. improving quality of life in persons with clinically severe obesity, imply a individual multidisciplinary careful assessment to shape treatment to person?s needs, given its complexity and impact in physical and mental quality of life.
O impacto da Responsabilidade Social das Empresas na Economia Social
Nicolau,Isabel; Simaens,Ana;
Revista Portuguesa e Brasileira de Gest?o , 2008,
Abstract: corporations materialize social responsibility (csr) transferring resources from private to social economy sector. corporations can choose several modalities to make this transfer but the choice is not indifferent to the corporations and has impact on social economy organizations. the aim of this paper is to analyze the possibilities, requirements and limitations of each modality for the social economy organizations, as well as the impact on the dimension, organization and innovation of the offer and competitive structure of the sector. the potential impact on the autonomy of the organizations is also discussed. the main conclusions are that each modality has a different impact on the sector and challenges the social economy organizations to improve management capabilities and requires cultural openness to deal with new realities. the autonomy depends mainly on the nature of there lationship between partners, and this is a subject to be developed.

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